A New Blog Site From the Founder of Baby-Safe Inc.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy New Years=Same old safety precautions

As we celebrate the New Years Eve and look forward to a great 2008, we can't forget that danger never takes a holiday. Safety dads resolution is to bring you and your family into 2008 with nothing but good tidings and no trips to the emergency room. Unfortunately, New years eve usually involves alcohol, fireworks and other related dangers. Plan ahead and your night will be filled with joy and hope for a great 2008.Safety Dad's tips for a safe New Years Eve.

Alcohol-The smallest amount of alcohol can have catastrophic consequences to a child. Drinks are usually colorful and appear to look like juice. Children are attracted to these colors and are naturally inclined to drink them.

1.Keep your bottles of alcohol away from the reach of small children. If you have a bar set up for guests, make sure the bottles are up at counter level

2. Warn your guests to please not leave glasses of any form of alcohol laying around for your child to pick up and drink. Leave little notes on low lying tables to warn against leaving drinks laying around.

Fireworks- Fireworks are a tradition for many families. Unfortunately, injuries from fireworks are another tradition that often seems to follow when kids are allowed to play with fireworks..

1.Never let a child handle or light a firework or sparkler. EVER!!!!

2. Sparklers, which can reach over 1000°F, cause half of the injuries to children under age five though, and 10 percent of fireworks-related injuries overall

3. 4 people died in 2006 associated with using fireworks

4. Over 10,000 people were treated in emergency rooms for injuries associated with fireworks in 2006

5. Almost half of the injuries were to children under age 15

6. Firecrackers caused the most injuries, followed by rockets and sparklers

7. Burns are the most common injuries from fireworks

Candies/nuts-Small- candies and nuts are a serious choking hazard for children

1. Move all candies, nuts, popcorn etc.. up to levels that a small child can't reach. These objects are an instant choking hazard


Though fun for everyone, please note the most recent confetti recall that could be quite dangerous to your child, even when not released in celebration.
DesignWare® Confetti Bursts ,Distributor: American Greetings Corp., of Cleveland, Ohio .The surface paint on the individual bags of confetti contains excessive levels of lead, violating the federal lead paint standard. This latest recall came out 11/29/07.

New years Eve is meant to be fun and a start of new beginnings for everyone. Don't let the party get out of hand and please take precautions. And as always ,BE AWARE!!!!

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